Rhubarb Mead - Kegged

Sunday, July 8, 2012

It was sufficiently cool in my basement today that I finally took the time to keg the five gallons of rhubarb mead that had been resting in its secondary fermenter. I also recorded its final specific gravity reading (1.004 @ 82F) which indicates an alcohol content of about 11.1% (by volume). I dropped a couple ice cubes in it and sampled a half cup (still) and it's not at all bad. The rhubarb is clear and not over-powering. It's plenty sweet, as I guess it's supposed to be with a taste of honey. I think this will be even better carbonated and chilled. Unless something catastrophic fails before I get a fridge I'm going to call this a success.

Click image to uncrop and embiggen.
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